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Brandon Brittingham Talks Selling Your Home For Top Dollar & Tips

Have you found yourself wondering 🤔, with everything that has been going on, if now is a good time to sell your home 🏠? Maybe you’re wondering about tips if you do decide to sell your home to get top dollar in todays market?

A message 📣 from our team leader, Brandon Brittingham:

Right now a lot of people are thinking 💡 about if they should sell their house or not, and are wondering, what’s going on with the market and with everything that’s happened with COVID 😷, if now’s a good time. And what we’re seeing is a substantial amount of activity in the market, so it is a great time to sell your house 🏠.

We’re seeing demand outpace actual inventory.

If you’re thinking about selling 💵 your house, we are gong to provide you with three tips to help you get top dollar 💲 in today’s market. So I want to break down three separate things to help you get maximum dollar for your properties.

✅1. Professional Photography 📸
So, number one, the first thing is, and this goes without saying, get professional photos of your house. 90% of buyers, sometimes even more, when it comes to picking out the house they’re going to buy, find it online. It’s imperative that you get professional photos when it comes to listing your house. And not just professional photos, but a true representation of your property. We’ve seen a lot of properties where the photos are drastically edited and photoshopped, and that’s not actually how the house looks. When somebody shows up, they’re actually disappointed because it wasn’t a true representation of your house. Professional photos are a must, but do a true representation of your house.

✅2. Video Walkthrough Tours 🎞
Another thing that’s changed recently, tip number two, is get a video tour of your house. So now, especially where more people are searching digitally, and may try to do a ton of research online prior to actually making their decision, is getting a video tour. So it’s an absolute must that the agent that you hire gets you professional photos, but now what buyers want to see is an actual video tour. Because we are seeing a lot of buyers now, we’ve had a few here recently where they purchased the house without even physically walking through it. They didn’t see it until towards the end of the process. So now buyers want to see an actual video tour. So getting a video tour can help maximize you getting an offer, and maximize getting that offer amount that you want.

✅3. Getting Inspections Upfront 🔎
The third tip is, if you can from a time standpoint, get all of your inspections upfront: septic, well, termite, home inspection. And then if you don’t have anything major that’s wrong at the property, you can have your agent advertise that all the inspections were recently done. And then, within reason, if there’s things that were wrong and they’re only minor things, have those fixed before you list the property. Failed septics in our area can be extremely expensive, so if you can represent a property as in great condition, no issues with the well, septic, or anything major wrong with the property, then that gives buyers a lot of comfortability. And it gives you the ability to receive a higher offer for your property.

So these are three things that you can do right now if you’re thinking about listing your property, to help maximize your profit. These are things that we suggest to all of our sellers that we help facilitate, so if you’re thinking about selling your house and you just want to know what your property is potentially worth, reach out to us at anytime, we’d be glad to help you!

The Maryland and Delaware Group of Long & Foster Real Estate
☎️ D: 443-783-3928 O: 443-339-9200

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