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Buying a Home With Historically Low Interest Rates & A Competitive Market


With historically low ⬇️ interest rates, homes 🏠 are selling extremely fast and for multiple offers, how can you be prepared and a step above when purchasing 💵 a home in this competitive market?

A message 📣 from team leader, Brandon Brittingham:

Right now, interest rates are at historic lows ⬇️, so there’s a demand to buy real estate like we’ve never seen. If you’re thinking 💡 about buying, it is an excellent time because you can get such a low interest rate. But if you’re thinking about buying, you have to be prepared.

What does this mean?

More than likely, you’re going to run up into a multiple offer situation, meaning more than one person is putting an offer on the property 🏘 you’re trying to purchase. So it’s so imperative that you get a preapproval and you have everything upfront, that you know your budget, you know what you can do, so that if you see that house 🏠 you really want, you have the ability to make an offer. With such a competitive market, nowadays, you may even have to pay 💲 over full price if you like a house more than what it’s listed for, because the demand is so high.

You won’t have to always do that, we have ways that we can help you write ✏️ an offer that gets accepted, that’s favorable for the seller. So if you’re thinking about buying a house 🏡 in today’s time, you really need somebody to guide you and walk you through the process, especially because demand is so crazy. And if you’re thinking, “Well, I’m not going to get a good deal.” Well, the deal you’re going to get is you’re going to get an interest rate below 3% that is fixed for 30 years, and in most cases here on the Eastern Shore, you’re going to be paying less 💵 for your mortgage than you are in rent.

So if you’ve thought about buying, you need to be prepared and educated on the process and be ready before you go out. So if you’re interested in purchasing a house 🏡 and you’d like to learn more, give us a call, we’d be more than glad to help you!

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