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Down Payment Assistance Program – Stop Struggling in this Competitive Market!

🚨Have you been struggling to get into a house? Looking for down payment assistance and to get into a home, easier, in this competitive market? 🚨‼️We’ve got you covered!!
Through our Down Payment Assistance Program – get financial help and into a home, hassle free! 💰🏡🏡
A message from Team Leader, Brandon Brittingham:
We know the market is crazy and if you’re a buyer, it can be extremely difficult. But we’ve got some extremely exciting news! 😖😖😃😃
🛑 We have a program now with Prosperity Home Mortgage to help you get down payment assistance. That’s right, Prosperity, through this program, if you qualify, has the ability to help you get down payment assistance 🏡🏡😎😎
👉 A lot of down payment assistance programs that have been out previously have gone away. This is an amazing program because in some instances, they can help you get 3.5% of purchase price or 5% of purchase price. For example, on a $200,000 property, you may have the ability to get around $7,500 in down payment assistance by going through the process with our lender.
👉 Because we’re in such a competitive market – sellers are, at times, not helping with closing costs. This program is so beneficial because in some cases, buyers who may not have enough money for a down payment and closing, will now.
👏👏 The solution to the above scenario and getting you into a home, a lot easier in this competitive market, is through our Down Payment Assistance Program. 
If you’ve been struggling to get into a house or you’re having some difficulty in the market as a buyer, get in touch with us and let us tell you about this great new program that we’re just rolling out 😎😎
We look forward to connecting!
The Maryland and Delaware Group of Long & Foster Real Estate☎️ D: 443-783-3928 O:

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