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Taking the Stress Out of Selling With Our Guaranteed Sales Program!

A recent survey came out about what stresses people out when it comes to selling a house 😳😳😳Can you guess what one of the main factors was ? We have the solution for it 😉

A message from Team Leader, Brandon Brittingham:

43% of all sellers said having people come in and out of their house 🏡 was one of the biggest reservations and what stressed them out.

Upwards of 20% said moving target of a settlement date ☹️

We solve both of these with our Guaranteed Sales Program!!!

No showings ✅No open houses ✅No renovations ✅No moving target on your settlement✅Complete peace of mind knowing you will go to settlement the first time!✅You pick your settlement date

Interested in more information? We’re happy to help!

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