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Discovering the Must-See Military Bases Around Salisbury

Salisbury is home to some of the United Kingdom’s most incredible military bases. Those visiting the area can explore fascinating sites that have played a significant role in the country’s defense and military history. Salisbury, MD can be seen here. 

Tidworth Military Base is one of the most impressive military sites in the area and a great place to start your Salisbury tour. Found within the local Wilton Estate, it is home to the 1st Battalion Mercian Regiment and is also the home of the Army Medal Office. Visitors can explore barracks, mess halls, and drill squares and learn about the regiment’s significant role in the British Army’s history. Click here to read about Enjoying a Day Out at Sea with Salisbury, MD’s Various Water-based Activities.

Next is the Porton Down Research Base, an available tech research center and home to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Discreetly tucked away in Wessex, this site works on developing and testing chemical weapons. It is the only British site where chemical weapons and nerve agents can be tested and disposed of.

From Porton Down, visitors can travel to the Larkhill Garrison, where several military companies, such as the Royal Horse Artillery, are based. Here, visitors can learn about the contribution of the British Armed Forces to the country’s defense. As well as seeing active service, the garrison is home to a vast array of historical sites, such as an extensive collection of Edwardian-era buildings and memorials.

Salisbury is home to some of the most extraordinary military bases in the United Kingdom. Salisbury is the perfect destination for anyone looking to discover something unique and historical, from awe-inspiring mainstays to more discreet and intricate research sites.

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